Great Reasons to Be a Writing Major - Geneva College-bwin体育
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Great Reasons to Be a Writing Major

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Career Higher Education

在追求大学生涯时,有许多不同的专业可供选择. There are great reasons to study writing as a major. 写作是最好的选择之一,因为它的工作灵活性. With a writing major, you can be a journalist, teacher, work in any number of public relations offices, freelance writing, or blogging.

新闻工作者的工作使作家能够融入信息圈. Whether it’s sports or politics, 这为你打开了与你感兴趣的人一起工作的机会. This skill can also give you a position of influence, which allows you to make a difference in the world.

Teaching is another way you can use a writing major. For grade school, 你还需要一个教师证书,要达到大学水平,你还需要继续接受教育. 然而,教学可以让你把你对语言的热情传递给下一代. In addition, because of the school year, 你也有时间追求自己的写作,并为出版而努力.

For the more disciplined writers, there are office jobs, especially in public relations and marketing. Here you may end up writing for the company blog, creating news releases, 协助公司杂志的内容创作和出版. 这给了你广泛的写作类型和主题选择. 对于那些喜欢这种变化,但仍然想要为商业写作所带来的结构的人来说,为公关和营销写作是很棒的.

As a writer, you can also freelance. 这是指你从不同的客户那里接受一次性的写作项目. 它将作家从束缚中解放出来,让他们可以四处旅行. 这可以给他们一个获得生活经验的机会,这些经验可以倾注到他们的写作中.

In addition, 作家也写博客,这可以给他们和自由撰稿人一样的灵活性,但可以控制主题和时间表. 然而,重要的是你要全身心投入,按时完成任务. You have to be the driving force as blogger. 没有人会强迫你,所以如果你想成功,你必须让自己写作.

对于那些主修写作的人来说,有很多机会. 这给了写作专业的学生很多不同的工作选择,让他们获得更多的工作机会. Writing allows freedom in career and in mobility. 由于这个专业的多样性,它是一个令人惊奇的选择. 能够清晰地表达自己的想法从来都不是一件坏事, ideas, dreams, and inspirations to the world.

掌握你的写作,使你能够以各种方式忠实地服侍上帝和邻居. 了解更多关于bwin体育bwin体育写作专业的信息,请联系招生办 or 800-847-8255.

- Kelsey Gerhard ‘23


Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

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Apr 9, 2021

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